Living in the staff hostel here is the most annoying thing that we must seem like today was a very smooth day for us but it just in the beginning not after the clerk staff come back...i think it is more peaceful living with other students rather than living with staff..Some of them are very2 fine with us but not the clerk staff...i felt very irritating when look at her face..deep in my heart i want to SLAP her till her die..."RASSENGGAN"... HAHAHAHAHA.... I'm not really sure about the table at the hall, it is hers or not...but if she really2 don't want anyone to use her table put in u'r room..don't put outside and can u tell us with u'r own mouth 'JANGAN GUNA MEJA INI"...WHAT TYPE OF HUMAN SHE ARE???? Please need to write a note on the table "JANGAN GUNA MEJA INI". iF u are truly men can't u speak to us nicely with the very manner way??? All of us are adult so don't treat us like children juz because we are STUDENT...once again 'TREAT US LIKE ADULT".. Don't think that u are a qualified clerk then u can bluff us!!!! What kind of attitude this gurl have?? You think u are from Selangor, then u can bluff us??? HALLOOOO!!!! i want to say that u are the most IDIOT person in this world!!!!
Progressed Moon Conjunct Saturn
3 months ago